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All the services you may need in one application

Hair dying
Nail Art
Manicure Pedicure
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Why Krembi?

Turkey's most exclusive hairdressing salons and freelance beauticians only on Krembi

Official Partners and Sponsors
Kuaforler Dernegi

Call out a hairdresser to your location

List the salon and freelance beauticians in your location and take a look at their prices in detail. Call out or make an appointment to the salon. #home #office #hotel

See deals and prices near you

Take a close look at the discounts and service prices offered by the profile of the salon and beauty experts you follow.

Confirm payment after receiving service

Complete the service with the payment confirmation screen sent by the service provider after the you recieve the service.


More free

Callout or make an appointment

Call a hairdresser to your location or make an appointment to the salon. Experience the comfort of receiving beauty services in different address types with Krembi.

Disabled Person
Appointment to the salon
More flexible

All details in one profile

Check out the profiles of Turkey's most elite salon and beauty experts. Take a closer look at the service prices, gallery, competencies and reviews.

More faster

Your call out request will be answered within 20 minutes

The salon or beautician you want to receive service from will respond within 20 minutes to your call out request and within 15 minutes to your appointment request to the salon.

More Detail
More closer

Set the distance, find the happiness

Easily list, select and receive service from the closest salon and beauticians to your location according to your distance setting.

More safety

High security check and approval process

All salons and beauticians on Krembi go through the digital identity verification process and are accepted into the system after a one-on-one interview after the reference confirmation

More Detail
More clear

View reviews and ratings

Check out the customer reviews and recent works of the beautician you want to get service on its gallery


Much safer service

Panic Button

The "Panic Button" becomes active with just one touch in case of any negativity that may occur during your service. We'll call you later to make sure you are safe. Once we are sure that there is a problem, we'll quickly report the situation to the security units and forward your location

  • The panic button is only available on both the user and the service provider screen during service.
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Much safer platform

Digital ID Authentication

For a more secure service, we subject both users and service providers to the authentication process. Thus, we minimize the question marks for both sides.

  • It is the verification procedure that allows us to make sure that you are over 18 and make the system more secure.
  • No one can see your credentials except you and we never store them in our database. It is used for instant verification only.
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More efficient

All the details are adjusted for your use.

Use time more efficiently with Krembi App

Smart Assistant

It reminds you of upcoming appointment / calling requests and keeps you informed about discounts.

Easy filtering

You can easily choose the specialist you want to receive service in the form of women / men / salon.


Credentials are used only for verification, never in the database and are not shared with third parties.

Rate / comment

You can rate and comment after the service. Moreover, every comment will return to you as a discount.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you want to learn more about Krembi?

Krembi is a safe marketplace startup that brings service providers and service areas that allow you to receive beauty services at your location (#home #office +) or in the salon.

Krembi's logic is very simple. Search> List> Get a Service!

Payment methods on Krembi;;

  • Online credit / debit card payment,

  • Payment by credit card at salon,

  • Cash payment at salon.

The above payment methods are left to the preference of salons and freelance beauticians. Some salons and freelance beauticians only accept online payments, while others accept all payment methods.

Important: Only online credit / debit card payments are accepted in the call out process (on-site service).

We inform all service providers on Krembi within the scope of Covid-19 precautions and remind them about hygiene rules. During your service purchase, you can download and check the "Hayat Eve Sığar" mobile application to check the HES code of the service provider.

All service providers on Krembi go through a detailed approval process. But how?
Step 1 / One-on-one physical meeting
We arrange a meeting with the beauty experts who provide salon and freelance services by visiting them personally. We try to understand their way of doing business, hygiene culture and behavior.
Step 2 / ID Authentication Process
Salon and beauticians who provide freelance services on Krembi Mobile Application or website complete their credentials both digitally and physically with a copy of their ID with a double verification process.
Step 3 / Company and Official Documents
Companies or freelancers submit their official documents and company documents to Krembi.
Step 4 / Contract
Beauty professionals who provide salon and freelance services are obliged to submit the detailed partner (member workplace) contract with wet signature to Krembi. The general lines of the contract are as follows; business conduct, responsibilities to customers, courtesy and courtesy boards, service quality adequacy and implementation, and security policies.

Our priority is your safety. In time, you will see that we are very serious and work hard on this issue.

No! You pay only for the service you receive on Krembi. During or after the service procurement, no extra payment can be requested by the service provider. If so, you can inform us immediately through our live chat, WhatsApp or Telegram accounts on the mobile application or website. You can be sure that we will take care of it instantly.

If you wish, you can reach us from our call center.

Free Call Center:

0212 909 23 06

1- Search
After logging in via the Krembi mobile app or website, you can easily select the service you want to receive from the search section or the quick menu.
2- List
On the listing page, choose the one you want according to the profile and price of the salon you want to receive service.
3- Get a Service
  • After selecting the service you want to buy, click the "Make an Appointment to the Salon",

  • Click the "Confirm and finish" button after selecting the date, time and staff,

  • Finally, choose your preferred payment method from the payment screen and complete the transaction. The appointment confirmation to the salon will be answered within 20 minutes at the latest. In order to follow the appointment process for the salon, you can check the "Pending Approval" tab from the "My Appointments" menu.

Oh no doubt! You have our word. A user must receive a service first to be able to comment and rate. For this reason, you will only see the reviews of people who have received service in the comments of the salon or beautician whose profile you look at.

Make an appointment now or for further

With Krembi, call out the beauty service you want to your location without waiting or make an appointment to the salon.

Receive service from the best ones

  • Take a closer look at the prices of the most exclusive salons and beauticians not only in your location but throughout Istanbul
  • Once your service is completed, you can safely receive service without any question marks with the payment confirmation feature.
  • Download Krembi for free and start using it. We guarantee that it is going to be best thing happen to you!
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