Official Partners and Sponsors
Control your business partners and make a profit easily. Be a part of global enterprise!
Invite people
Invite professionals to the app in your city or nearby.
Control them
Make sure the people that the people you register are integrated.
Manage them
Monitor the process through the Ambassador Panel.
Make a profit
Make profit when your registered professionals process.
Krembi Ambassador
Make your connections in the beauty industry part of a profitable transformation with regular income!
Every time the salon and freelance beauticians that you subscribed to Krembi provide a new service to the customer, you make a new income.
Generate revenue without the marketing and advertising budget of both you and your partners.
Plain, simple and understandable
Plain, simple and understandable
Full Responsive
Easily access the panel from your computer, tablet and smart phone
Instantly access the performance reports of the service providers you have included in the platform
Connect to Ambassador
Ambassador Panel