Find out more about Krembi

Frequently asked questions.


Yes 🙂 You can become a member of Krembi in just 3 seconds with your phone number.

Security and Verification;

All Salons and freelance beauticians serving in Krembi are 100% real people whose company information and identity information are verified.

Verification is only required when requesting a callout service.
The reason we do this is because you are a real person and at least 18 years old. In addition, the service providers might cancel the callout request because they will not be able to learn about the user who has not yet done the verification process.
The verification process is one-time and only takes 3 seconds. No one else can see your sensitive data, including Krembi! The information is never stored in the database and is not shared with third parties.

Cleaning and Hygiene;

We care about your health as much as you do. For this reason, Krembi works with service providers who accept the "terms of service" contract, where there are serious sanctions otherwise.

Calling and Appointment;

Of Course 😁

You can cancel the summoning process if you have "done" immediately during the day and the beautician has not set off yet 🙂
30% of the basket amount will be charged from the credit card as a penalty fee in the cancellation process when the beautician sets off or approaches your location..

You can cancel at least 3 hours prior to the appointments you have received from the Salon.
If you cancel the appointment earlier than 3 hours, we may have to take your account for the first notice, if you repeat the notification 3 times.

Wherever you are, you can use your own cosmetics 🙂 You can choose from the "personal preferences" section on the screen where you call.

After the service, you can share your points and comments with the screen we will send you. If you want to do this later, the evaluation section will be active for 4 days.


You can only do the calling service by paying online credit card. When it generates the service request, we charge the fee from the credit card "provision", that is, pending processing. As soon as you confirm the payment after the service, we deposit the fee in the account of the beautician. As long as you do not approve, we will never withdraw from your credit card. 😇
In the appointment process, you can pay your payment with cash or credit card in the Salon after the service or online credit card via Krembi.
